Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fundokin Visit


  As one of the employees at Fundokin stated, a predisposition to a certain type of flavor is acquired early on in one's life.  In order to retain loyal customers, one mustn't stray far from a specific flavor that has built the company.  It surprised me the first time I tasted Japanese (or more specifically Fundokin's) soy sauce.  It's distinctly sweeter than, say, Magi or Kikkoman soy sauces that you might be accustomed to in the States.

  Still, the factory tour of the miso and shoyu factories were just as interesting as the Texas Instruments factory visit.  You can see a lot of mechanization of the process, but there's still plenty of evidence of old-fashioned practices.  The most amazing was the use of completely wooden barrels (in the above picture) to incubate the soy sauce for up to three years!  No nails at all in these barrels; these things are gigantic.  They say it's because wooden barrels give better flavor than concrete ones.

  Basically, we had a nice trip walk around the interior of both miso and shoyu factory - there's also a video on the YouTube channel of some clips I managed to get during the trip.  And of course, a link to the album from the trip.  It also includes the break we had in between miso and shoyu factory tours.  This included an awesome lunch and a little stroll around Usuki, Oita.
Sunday, May 30, 2010

AP House

このポストには住む所のAP Houseについて書きます。日本に行く前に、私はちょっと興味がありました。どんなところに住むか、あと何をもって来なくてはいけないかと思いました。ただ一週間になりましたが、いくつかのポイントがあります。

  Before the program, I was always wondering what the lodgings were like as well as the facilities available.  At orientation, you're possibly given a little packet of information about the AP House - the on-campus dorms.  I'll try and go into a little more detail about what AP House has to offer.

  First, the room: it is actually pretty spacious.  For furniture, there's a bed (I'll get to that in a bit), a desk, a closet/drawer for clothes, a cabinet, a refrigerator+freezer, and a shoe rack.  You also get your own sink and a personal toilet inside the room.

  Some items that are given to you when you first check-in to AP House are a roll of toilet paper, a plate, a cup, a spoon and fork, two bath towels, two face towels, and three wire clothes hangers.  For bedding, you are provided with a futon, a quilt, and a comforter with sheets to cover the comforter and futon.  Some of us, though, are more comfortable with a mattress bed and are still getting accustomed to the harder sleeping surface.  The provided pillow is also a bit different - it is essentially a bean bag.

  As for community resources, the public showers are really nice - much better than the Freshman experience dorms.  There are three private stalls with a little changing area in each. I also haven't had a problem with the showers being completely occupied yet.  For laundry, there are two pairs of washers and dryers per floor - use is free of charge but can only be used from 7am to 12 midnight.  A wash cycle will take one hour.  A dry cycle will take three hours.  And even after three hours, some of your jeans might not be completely dry.  Just something to keep in mind when you set aside time for laundry.

  So, I think that covers all the necessities.  I'll just go ahead and wrap up the important points in a list.

Tips and Cautions:
  • There are only two outlets near the desk.  A splitter is provided for the phone and DSL modem, but you still will only have two free outlets.  You might want to bring your own power strip if you think you'll need more than two plugs.  The good thing though (the official FAQ page is a little outdated on this) is that the outlets at APU do accept Type B Polarized plugs
  • If you are used to a soft bed, the futon may not provide enough padding for you.  We've all pretty much tried to put as much bedding in between us and the bedframe as possible.  You may be able to rent additional bedding/padding, but I don't know that any of us have done so.
  • The pillow may take some getting used to as well.  It's almost like sleeping on a bean bag.  If you're used to a fluffy pillow, you may want to bring your own or find one in town when you get here.
  • It's nice to know that towels are provided; this may cut down on some space in your luggage.
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Texas Instruments Factory Visit


  So on the 27th of May, we went to visit Texas Instrument's Hiji Firm factory that is located near APU.  From the outside, it didn't really look like a semiconductor fab and packaging plant; it was also a beautiful day so that was a definite plus.

  Our tour of the factory consisted of a small introduction to the company and what they do - which is primarily develop semiconductor products for use in various electronics.  Since my major is Computer Engineering, a lot of the content covered in the briefing was neat in that it confirms what I have seen in classes at Tech - particulary ECE3040.

  Afterwards we were even able to enter their clean-rooms while wearing a complete clean-room suit!  Pictures taken by us were not allowed, but the employees did take some of us.  I'm trying to find out how to get those pictures, but it will probably be at the end of the program.  All in all it was a fun trip, and very interesting to see the machines fabricating silicon wafers and ICs being constructed.  Seeing in-person what we only saw in videos in class was a definite plus.

A link to the album of pictures from the day
Thursday, May 13, 2010


  Welcome to the LBAT Japan 2010 blog!  The blog will be maintained by yours truly, Tri Pho.  I hope that this blog will be an entertaining and valuable resource for students in the future.  Check out my About the Blog page for more info on my vision for this blog.  I'll try to keep updates twice a week, but I hear the program is pretty intense; The absolute worst-case will be once a week - this will be my objective.  Still, that doesn't mean some weeks can't have more than two posts!  I'll definitely chronicle all the major events organized by the program, but I'll try to incorporate the things we do for social activities as well.

  With that introduction, I hope you enjoy the read and maybe you too will get to enjoy similar activities in the future!

「LBAT Japan 2010」 ブログ に ようこそ! これから、LBAT の アクティビティ に ついて 書く予定です。 おもしろい事 は たくさん ある はず ですから、ぜひ お楽しんで 下さい! あっ、ほとんど 忘れてしまいました。 はじめました、フォーです。 これから は よろしく  お願いします。