Thursday, May 27, 2010

Texas Instruments Factory Visit


  So on the 27th of May, we went to visit Texas Instrument's Hiji Firm factory that is located near APU.  From the outside, it didn't really look like a semiconductor fab and packaging plant; it was also a beautiful day so that was a definite plus.

  Our tour of the factory consisted of a small introduction to the company and what they do - which is primarily develop semiconductor products for use in various electronics.  Since my major is Computer Engineering, a lot of the content covered in the briefing was neat in that it confirms what I have seen in classes at Tech - particulary ECE3040.

  Afterwards we were even able to enter their clean-rooms while wearing a complete clean-room suit!  Pictures taken by us were not allowed, but the employees did take some of us.  I'm trying to find out how to get those pictures, but it will probably be at the end of the program.  All in all it was a fun trip, and very interesting to see the machines fabricating silicon wafers and ICs being constructed.  Seeing in-person what we only saw in videos in class was a definite plus.

A link to the album of pictures from the day