Thursday, May 13, 2010


  Welcome to the LBAT Japan 2010 blog!  The blog will be maintained by yours truly, Tri Pho.  I hope that this blog will be an entertaining and valuable resource for students in the future.  Check out my About the Blog page for more info on my vision for this blog.  I'll try to keep updates twice a week, but I hear the program is pretty intense; The absolute worst-case will be once a week - this will be my objective.  Still, that doesn't mean some weeks can't have more than two posts!  I'll definitely chronicle all the major events organized by the program, but I'll try to incorporate the things we do for social activities as well.

  With that introduction, I hope you enjoy the read and maybe you too will get to enjoy similar activities in the future!

「LBAT Japan 2010」 ブログ に ようこそ! これから、LBAT の アクティビティ に ついて 書く予定です。 おもしろい事 は たくさん ある はず ですから、ぜひ お楽しんで 下さい! あっ、ほとんど 忘れてしまいました。 はじめました、フォーです。 これから は よろしく  お願いします。